Interview / All Them Witches: “We are already preparing our next album”

Interview / All Them Witches: “We are already preparing our next album”

We spoke with All Them Witches ahead of their concert in Greece.
All Them Witches
All Them Witches

Ahead of their upcoming concert in Greece, we spoke with All Them Witches about the past, the present and the future of the band. Here is our talk (answers by Robby Staebler):

-Hello! We are glad to have you here on StraightOnMusic! So, first of all, this is not the first time you are visiting Greece. How could you describe your experience from the last time?
The last time we played Greece it was honestly a little hard for us. It was the last show of a long tour – we were exhausted – we played last after a super long day of music which isn’t ideal. Tour is hard and that day was hard for us. The next day we had off so we got to relax and enjoy the beauty of your country.

-Truth is, you’ve got a rather big fanbase here in Greece. Which are the main sources of inspiration for writing music and lyrics?
Personal experience and the love of playing music. I think we inspire each other to be inspired on our own. Thats how it all works. At least one small part of it.

-You have released 4 albums in just 5 years, so it’s obvious that you have quite much inspiration. How can you explain this productivity of your band?
Actually 7 if you count ‘A Sweet Release’, ‘Effervescent’, ‘Live at the Garage’. We are musicians that play rock and roll. We don’t sit around and try to figure it out. We get together and blast off. We always have to be moving forward we can’t sit still.

-Each one of your albums takes your sound one step further. Your debut was more like a heavy/stoner album, but you have turned to much more psychedelic and bluesy sounds now. Is this a sign of musical maturement or just the way you express better?
Maybe both – we are better musicians now than we were and the expression part comes naturally with the desire to create more and more.

-Jimi Hendrix has said “Blues is easy to play but hard to feel”. How could you describe the blues?
Exactly like Jimi did. It’s easy to play but hard to feel.

-You know, more and more underground bands keep surfacing during the past few years in Greece and the scene has grown bigger. Are you familiar with any bands?
We know of 1000 mods and like them but honestly finding new music to listen to is difficult. When you blast your ear drums out 200 plus nights a week for 2 hours straight you start to really enjoy silence.

-What’s the best part of being in a band?
Traveling the world and getting stoked dude!

-Can you name 5 of your favourite albums of all time?
There is no way to stack in order. All music offers something different. Right now I really like these.
Pink Floyd – Animals
Miles Davis – Bitches Brew
Neil Young – On the Beach

-Besides your music, which I find exceptional, I’d like to share my admiration for your album covers. So special every time. Who is responsible for them? How important do you think an album cover is?
I, Robby, am responsible. I think it sets the tone for the tone…so yes it’s super important. It lives on forever in association with the music.

-I hope we have another new album from you in the next 1-2 years as you use to… Do you have any plans or is it too soon?
Of course we do. We are working on it right now.

-Anyways, we are expecting you here in Greece on 14 October! Last words belong to you.
It was a pleasure to get in contact with you! See you at the concert.

Read the interview in Greek here.

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