Πριν από λίγες ώρες, ο κόσμος της μουσικής έχασε έναν από τους πιο αληθινούς εκφραστές της: τον Lemmy Kilmister, ιδρυτή και frontman των Motörhead για 40 ολόκληρα χρόνια.
Ο Lemmy, όπως τον αποκαλούσαν οι απανταχού φίλοι της μουσικής, ήταν 70 ετών και έφυγε χαρούμενος, αφού σύμφωνα με τις πρώτες πληροφορίες, πέθανε ενώ έπαιζε ένα video game, στο αγαπημένο του μπαρ, The Rainbow, στο Los Angeles.
Λίγες μέρες πριν, ο τραγουδιστής και μπασίστας, είχε διαγνωστεί με μία πολύ επιθετική μορφή καρκίνου.
Όπως ήταν λογικό, δεκάδες καλλιτέχνες, κυρίως από τον χώρο της rock/metal, έσπευσαν να εκφράσουν τη θλίψη τους και να αποτίσουν τον δικό τους φόρο τιμής στον Lemmy, μέσα από τα κοινωνικά δίκτυα.
Metallica, Ozzy Osbourne, Mike Portnoy, Dave Mustaine, Billy Idol, Godsmack, Dave Navarro, Foo Fighters και Tom Morello είναι μόνο μερικοί από την ατέλειωτη λίστα των μουσικών που έχουν ήδη μιλήσει για τον αναπάντεχο θάνατο του Lemmy.
Γιατί, όπως έχει πει και ο Dave Grohl των Foo Fighters:
"More than any other Rock musician he's the baddest motherfucker in the world."
Dave Grohlphoto credits: Pep Bonet pic.twitter.com/EXd4cbIxYN
— Official Motörhead (@myMotorhead) November 11, 2015
Δείτε εδώ μερικά από τα δεκάδες μηνύματα της μουσικής κοινότητας για τον Lemmy:
My dear friend and brother passed away yesterday. Life wont be the same.Thanks for all the well wishes. PLAY IT LOUD pic.twitter.com/gxpE2xoFtb
— Phil Campbell (@MotorheadPhil) December 29, 2015
Sorry to report that I have confirmed Lemmy @myMotorhead has passed away just now at the age of 70. RIP to a true original icon of rock.
— Eddie Trunk (@EddieTrunk) December 29, 2015
Lost one of my best friends, Lemmy, today. He will be sadly missed. He was a warrior and a legend. I will see you on the other side.
— Ozzy Osbourne (@OzzyOsbourne) December 29, 2015
RIP Lemmy. pic.twitter.com/zubPd2N0uM
— Philip H. Anselmo (@philiphanselmo) December 29, 2015
Lemmy, RIP – so sorry you're gone. I stand with the countless souls who will miss you, and who love you very much. – Bill. @myMotorhead
— Bill Ward (@billwarddrums) December 29, 2015
Lemmy, you are one of the primary reasons this band exists. We're forever grateful for all of your inspiration. RIP pic.twitter.com/WC1csn5F5x
— Metallica (@Metallica) December 29, 2015
Lemmy was a true rock icon, singular in voice and spirit. Metal flags fly at half mast tonight as we salute the incomparable Ace Of Spades.
— Tom Morello (@tmorello) December 29, 2015
I really don't know what to say except I love you Lem. #RIP @myMotorhead pic.twitter.com/I3OL0OgUxs
— Jill Janus (@JillJanus) December 29, 2015
He lived a life of dreams and he went out on top. He was Motörhead and HE PLAYED ROCK & ROLL!!! https://t.co/7wZXgBksq6
— Scott Ian (@Scott_Ian) December 29, 2015
One of the last true outlaws has left the building. #RIPLemmy
📷 Pep Bonet pic.twitter.com/PgyOez8UZu
— Robert Trujillo (@RobertTrujillo) December 29, 2015
FUCK!!!!!!! RIP LEMMY Sad that so many of us saw this coming, but never thought it would really happen…we all thought you'd live forever 😢
— Mike Portnoy 🤘 (@MikePortnoy) December 29, 2015
Lemmy RIP….@myMotorhead my condolences to his family..
— Billy Idol (@BillyIdol) December 29, 2015
Farewell Lemmy. I love you brother.
— Dave Mustaine (@DaveMustaine) December 29, 2015
Sadly this news is 100% confirmed and just happened. Let's celebrate a true rock warrior and icon who gave us timeless music! #RIPLemmy
— Eddie Trunk (@EddieTrunk) December 29, 2015
Took this photo just a couple weeks ago of Lemmy's cake at his party I was honored to be at & speak at. Huge loss! pic.twitter.com/J5Pl4Zhjnc
— Eddie Trunk (@EddieTrunk) December 29, 2015
In all of my decades in the business you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who truly personified rock like Lemmy. One of a kind. #RIPLemmy
— Eddie Trunk (@EddieTrunk) December 29, 2015
I’ll miss you buddy and our conversations. You were always a pilar of dignity. RIP #Lemmy pic.twitter.com/da7YV08V1W
— 📷 (@NikkiSixx) December 29, 2015
This one is for you Lemmy. ⚡️3⚡️
— 📷 (@NikkiSixx) December 29, 2015
Rest In Peace Lemmy. A hell of a man who suffered no fools. U shall be missed brother, and, THANK u 4 the years of unwavering kick ass R&R.
— Duff McKagan (@DuffMcKagan) December 29, 2015
RIP to a true legend …. https://t.co/FaG33e3Qyc
— Godsmack (@godsmack) December 29, 2015
It is a sad day. We have lost Lemmy, a legend of legends.
With the highest respect, Rest in Peace my friend.King pic.twitter.com/MGlh5gPU4P
— King Diamond (@kingdiamond) December 29, 2015
— Drowning Pool (@DrowningPool) December 29, 2015
RIP Lemmy. A rebel poet until the end. A true inspiration.
— Myles Kennedy (@MylesKennedy) December 29, 2015
A sad day. Thanks for the songs and memories. We lost an original today. RIP Lemmy Kilmister.
— Nickelback (@Nickelback) December 29, 2015
RIP Lemmy. Everything louder than everything else. Forever. – MK pic.twitter.com/tgAeejMSJZ
— Nickelback (@Nickelback) December 29, 2015
Terrible news. pic.twitter.com/hvh6EFlLEZ
— Finger Eleven (@Finger_Eleven) December 29, 2015
R.I.P. Lemmy Kilmister of Motörhead
— Papa Roach (@paparoach) December 29, 2015
Today, we were caught by surprise with the death of the incomparable Lemmy Kilmister. Dancing On Your Grave was… https://t.co/hAgMmTTYZF
— SEPULTURA (@sepulturacombr) December 29, 2015
GOD BLESS LEMMY – 1945 – 2O15 tBLSt SDMF tLKt pic.twitter.com/UNRAsIrbYP
— Zakk Wylde (@ZakkWyldeBLS) December 29, 2015
Don't normally post on deaths (no disrespect) but #RIPLemmy was like a living superhero.
This is Ragnarok. Fight on in Valhalla, Lem!— Monster Magnet (@monstermagnetnj) December 29, 2015
..a true original.. who lived to rock… RIP Lemmy! – Geddy Lee pic.twitter.com/7quxQhogEz
— Rush (@rushtheband) December 29, 2015
Very sad to hear of Lemmy's passing. We've lost a true, true legend. RIP pic.twitter.com/vVVckaeZXM
— Geezer Butler (@geezerbutler) December 29, 2015
Legends never die. Lemmy, we owe you everything. Rock in Peace. https://t.co/wvw5svQPmx
— In Flames (@InFlames_SWE) December 29, 2015
Just read the news. Another one of the greats no longer with us. RIP Lemmy pic.twitter.com/gTxFcyXEdU
— Gus G. (@gusgofficial) December 29, 2015
Μια φωτογραφία που δημοσίευσε ο χρήστης travisbarker (@travisbarker) στις
You were so kind to me, supportive and encouraging and naturally, brutally honest. Thanks, Lemmy. You are a legend and I’ll miss you! Μια φωτογραφία που δημοσίευσε ο χρήστης Amy (@amylee) στις
A photo posted by Matt Sorum (@bigdrums) on