Πριν από μερικές ώρες έγινε γνωστό ότι έφυγε από τη ζωή, σε ηλικία 54 μόλις ετών, ο Vinnie Paul, ιδρυτικό μέλος των Pantera και Damageplan, αλλά και μέλος των Hellyeah. Τα αίτια του θανάτου είναι άγνωστα μέχρι στιγμής και η οικογένειά του ζήτησε από τον κόσμο να σεβαστεί την ιδιωτικότητά της.
Στα social media, πάντως, οι θαυμαστές του Vinnie Paul και των συγκροτημάτων των οποίων ήταν μέλος, αποτίουν τον δικό τους φόρο τιμής στον εκλιπόντα καλλιτέχνη, ενώ το ίδιο κάνει και ο μουσικός κόσμος, που έσπευσε να τον αποχαιρετήσει με μία πληθώρα αναρτήσεων.
Μπορείτε να δείτε κάποιες από αυτές παρακάτω:
So sad to hear of the death of Vinnie Paul. Loved when Pantera did shows with us and in later years Vinnie was always front and center at all KISS shows. RIP and condolences to his family. https://t.co/DaQREBNVW7
— Paul Stanley (@PaulStanleyLive) June 23, 2018
Damn it. I love you brother. RIP Vinnie Paul. https://t.co/73fTmNLA2F
— Scott Ian (@Scott_Ian) June 23, 2018
Shocked and saddened to hear of Vinnie Paul's passing. A true original. Had some good laughs when we toured with @Pantera. Gone too soon. pic.twitter.com/adiO8B16jf
— Geezer Butler (@geezerbutler) June 23, 2018
I just woke up in Belgium to the news that my friend Vinnie Paul has passed away. Another metal hero taken too soon. Say hello to Daryl for me. Rest In Peace, my dear friend. @Pantera @hellyeahband #vinniepaul
— Dave Mustaine (@DaveMustaine) June 23, 2018
W T F !
Vinnie Paul Rest in Peace!
Pic: Vinnie at #Ozzfest 2008
Finally reunited with Dime :( https://t.co/BsWwvXHYKy pic.twitter.com/HlgccWNXVN— OzzFest (@TheOzzFest) June 23, 2018
Vinnie… I told you 100 times I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing had you not changed the world. I was fortunate enough to get to know you as a man and as a true friend.
You made me feel good about me. You… https://t.co/Qe8CYdPCnx
— Chris Adler (@ChrisAdlerMusic) June 23, 2018
This is so sad-I’ll miss u Vinnie.. R.I.P. brother… #RipVinniePaul https://t.co/2IRTvGEkSb
— FrankBello (@TheFrankBello) June 23, 2018
Super sad news. Great guy/Great drummer. No idea what happened. Like his bro, gifted & too young to go. May they jam in eternity #RIPVinniePaul https://t.co/Y2XRmXScXg
— Alex Skolnick (@AlexSkolnick) June 23, 2018
Gutted to hear about the nicest guy in metal passing. Vinnie Paul showed us nothing but love. We'll miss you Vinnie.
— Papa Roach (@paparoach) June 23, 2018
Absolutely stunned to hear the unbelievable news that Vinnie Paul @Pantera has died… I knew Vinnie well. Did my shows many times. A great drummer and music fan and always a blast to hang with. Beyond tragic. Can’t believe it. #RIPVinniePaul .
— Eddie Trunk (@EddieTrunk) June 23, 2018
R.I.P. Vinnie Paul….
Always had a great time with you buddy!! Now you can jam with Dime again….— John Corabi (@Crablegs59) June 23, 2018
Jam Pantera right now. RIP Vinnie Paul.
— The Sword (@TheSword) June 23, 2018
So sorry to hear about Vinnie Paul. The man was a Class act and always treated everyone with respect. Here’s to one of metal’s best!
— Rikki Rockett (@RikkiRockett) June 23, 2018